Saturday 24 November 2007

Exploring Erakor Lagoon by Kayak

We went around Erakor Lagoon with kayaks. We took them in areas that had hundreds of mangrove trees growing along the water shore. We saw a lot of creatures like crabs, fish, starfish, jelly fish, spiders in trees and birds.

Snorkelling at Hideaway Island

The snorkelling was excellent. We saw many different kinds of fish and coral.
Hideaway Island also has the world's only underwater post office. The post office is under the floating dock in this picture and is 9 feet under water. People mail waterproof postcards.

Hideaway Island

We went to Hideaway Island one afternoon to snorkel. It is a small island with bungalows for tourists.
The boat ride only takes a few minutes.

More Local Kids

Me and my cousins with local kids in the village.

Playing with Local Kids

I always have fun playing with other kids on the beach.

Another Boat Ride

We have taken many boat rides in Vanuatu to visit local islands.

Monday 19 November 2007

President of Vanuatu at FIFA World Cup Qualifier

The President of Vanuatu attended the soccer game. He shook hands with all the players. He sat four rows in front of us in the grand stand. In this picture he is the man in the middle of the photo with a beard and glasses. A personal body goard was sitting right behind him. Everyone in this area had their bags checked for weapons before entering.

FIFA World Cup 2010 Qualifier - Vanuatu vs NZ

I went to the soccer game with my dad, my friend Stuart, his dad, Mitch and Lynn.
On many days I went swimming with Stuart and his sister Brooke.

FIFA World Cup 2010 Qualifier - Vanuatu vs NZ

On November 17, 2007 I saw a World Cup qualifier soccer game in Port Vila. It was Vanuatu against the New Zealand All Whites. Vanuatu players have the yellow, red and green shirts. New Zealand players have white shirts.
New Zealand won 2 to 1 in a close game.

Sunday 18 November 2007

Playing Cricket with Friends on Ifira Island

Me and my cousins played cricket with a bunch of super nice kids on Ifira Island.
This was the first time I ever played cricket. It was fun.

Vanuatu Survivor TV Series on Efate Island

We are at Havannah Harbour where they filmed the Vanuatu Survivor TV series.
Three Survivor TV series were filmed here. One was from the United States, one from Australia, and one from France. They all used the same location.

World War 2 Plane Wreck at North Efate

During World War 2 the Americans sent about 100,000 soldiers to Vanuatu. They set up military bases on the islands of Efate and Santo.
On the northern part of Efate we saw a plane wreck from the 1940s. This plane crashed because it ran out of fuel. There are other plane and ship wrecks also.

Group Photo on Road Trip

We had lunch under coconut trees and played on the beach. We found coconuts on the ground and shells on the beach.
There were no other people around.

A Road Trip Around Efate Island

We drove around Efate Island. It took most of the day.
In this picture we are standing in front of a huge banyan tree.

Sailing at Erakor Island

Uncle Steve and Aunty Carren rented a catamaran sailboat. We all had a turn. It was a lot of fun.

Snorkelling on Erakor Island

We went snorkelling and saw many fish and many starfish.

Watch out for Falling Coconuts on Erakor Island

When coconuts are ready they fall from the tree. You need to be careful in case they hit you on the head.