Thursday 28 August 2008

Happy Birthday Quentin!!!

Today is my cousin Quentin's 6th birthday (August 28th). He is ready to ride my uncle's motorbike. We all went for bike rides today with my uncle and my dad. Tonight Auntie Carren comes from Santo, and we will have a birthday party for Quentin.

Wednesday 27 August 2008

Tiger had 4 kittens today (August 27, 2008)

I was at a Bislama language class this morning when Uncle Steve text messaged us at 8:52 a.m. to tell us that our pregnant cat, Tiger, was giving birth. Me and my dad ran home and saw two of the four kittens being born. Me and my cousins named the cats right away. The kitten's names are: 1st is Snowy (light brown), 2nd is Tiger Junior (calico colour like her mother), 3rd is Lucky (black with stripes, and named Lucky because we thought there were only two kittens), and 4th is Whippy (black with stripes). We are all very happy.

Tuesday 26 August 2008

Happy Birthday Grandpa!!!

Me, my cousins (Erin and Quentin) and our parents wish Grandpa Ron a very happy birthday today (August 26, 2008). We love you!