Friday 1 May 2009

In the Tusk at Airport in Santo

Quentin, Erin and me are sitting in a large statue of a pig tusk at the airport. In Vanuatu pig tusks were used as money, and even today real pig tusks that are curved have value. Chiefs and other important people wear curved pig tusks on their necklaces.

The Boys in the Santo Airport

I arrived safely in Santo and was so happy to see my cousins Erin and Quentin. The flight was great and I got a tour of the cockpit during the flight.

Here comes the UM (April 28, 2009)

I have a two week school break at the end of term one. I flew to Luganville, Santo to visit my cousins Erin and Quentin and my Auntie Carren and Uncle Steve. I flew on the plane myself from Port Vila as a UM (Unaccompanied Minor).