Tuesday 18 November 2008

Junior and Lucky

These are my two kittens. They like to eat, sleep and play fight. Lucky, the male cat in my left hand, usually starts the play fights with his sister Junior. Junior is a good hunter. She was eating a small rat the other day, and since it was still alive we think she caught it. Usually their mother Tiger catches the rats and mice in the yard and then shares them with her kittens. We don't have any mice or rats in the house.

Junior is Getting Ready for a Nap

This is Junior. She likes to sleep on my Mom's "outside" sandals (flip flops). We always wear sandals or crocs outside. We wear "inside" (clean) flip flops in our house.

Monday 17 November 2008

Bought Chevy Damas Van - Nov. 13, 2008

My Dad and me are in our new 7-seat mini van. It is a popular vehicle in Port Vila with its small 0.8 litre engine and 12 inch tire rims. It is small but useful. One of my favorite things is holding on to a rail on the inside and pretending to surf.

Flowers in my Garden

There are many trees, plants and flowers in my front and back yard. Here is a nice flower in front of my house. Unfortunately it always gets hit by my soccer ball. It is a good thing there are so many flowers there.

Road Trip through the Jungle

My Dad went on a work visit to a rural village surrounded by a jungle. He rode in the back of a 4x4 pickup truck to get there.

Ministry of Internal Affairs

My Dad works as a Planning and Management Adviser in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Department of Local Authorities (Provincial Affairs). He works most of the time on the Rural Economic Development Initiative.

Vanuatu National Council of Woman (VNCW)

This is where my Mom works. She has a six-week contract as an Organizational Development Adviser with VNCW.