Monday 29 December 2008

My Buddies at the Feast (Dec. 11, 2008)

We attended a nice Feast at the Baha'i Centre in Port Vila. There were visitors from Canada and Australia.

Lunch at Home

Having a quick bite to eat.

Visit Friends in Eratap (Dec. 6, 2008)

My parents and I have visited Eratap Village several times, usually on Sundays. It is a 20-minute car ride from Port Vila. This time we took our friends Pat, Afshin, Willie and a couple other friends.

Hideaway Island (Dec. 5, 2008)

Our good friends from Canada - Afshin and Pat - came for a visit to Vanuatu for 10 days. We saw them several times and had a great time with them. The second day they were here we went snorkelling at Hideaway Island. We swam far from the shore to a big dropoff, and there I saw a reef shark. My Dad did not see it, and thought I made a mistake until Pat saw it too. Seeing the shark was a little scary for me.