Sunday 6 September 2009


This is a beautiful hibiscus flower on the tree in one of the villages we visited in south-east Malekula. Hibiscus flowers are often solid colours.

Friends in Sason Village, Aulua

I had a lot of fun playing with the kids in Sason. This photo was taken on the site where the new Baha'i Centre will be built.

Land Clearing Crew (August 27, 2009)

We cleared most of the wild vines, shrubs, plants and small trees for the new Baha'i Centre in Sason Village, Aulua. The building should be constructed in 3-4 months.

Overgrown Jungle

My uncle is moving a bunch of cut vines that he cleared from the ground. I helped do some cutting too. Wild vines grow all over the jungle and they grow quickly.